1 February 2011

Hooked - on Books

This Saturday, 5 February, is our next meeting (see sidebar for details) - and it's also a day of action around the country to highlight the plight of public libraries. Over 400 are set to be shut - and once a library is shut, it's gone ...

So, think about what you can do to support those buildings that let you read books freely, and would have all the new books if only they could afford it -- including books about craft of course - as well as being an important community resource.

For information about Save Our Libraries day - and to share your own story - go to the Voices for the Library website.

(I hope you'll excuse me beating this drum here, but I'm a former librarian and apart from this professional interest, in my poor-student and single-parent days, being able to use libraries meant a LOT to me!)

The "hooked" library in the photo is in Madison, New Hampshire.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. We must support the campaign to prevent closure of libraries.

    Our local library was closed four years ago. It provided a wonderful service.

    I now have to go into town to a main library and hope it is NOT 'on the list'!
